My Lords, on this very day, 31 January, in 1606, Guy Fawkes was executed following the failed Gunpowder Plot—but it is vital that this Bill does not also expire. The European Union Bill must be passed into law to allow Her Majesty’s Government to implement the will of the people in the referendum result and to respect the judgment of the …
The Terror Tax
21 November 1974 is a date etched in my memory. I was a university student, enjoying a drink with a couple of friends in Birmingham’s Mulberry Bush Pub. By the time I got home I saw the news on the TV. Less than an hour after we had left the pub, it had been blown up by an IRA bomb. The nearby …
War Hoarse
“We don’t need to escalate; you see war is not the answer”. These lyrics were written by soul legend Marvin Gaye, for his classic “What’s Going On” album in 1971. Sadly, we did not heed his warning. When Tony Blair became British Prime Minister in 1997 he had no previous ministerial experience. Yet by the time he left Downing Street in 2007, he had led Britain into 5 wars. Although …