Why did the chicken cross the Web? To get to the other Site. Well, the Internet may not have improved the quality of my jokes, but there is no doubt the Web has had a huge impact on our lives. The World Wide Web was invented 25 years ago. It is difficult to imagine how we coped back in 1989. …
War Hoarse
“We don’t need to escalate; you see war is not the answer”. These lyrics were written by soul legend Marvin Gaye, for his classic “What’s Going On” album in 1971. Sadly, we did not heed his warning. When Tony Blair became British Prime Minister in 1997 he had no previous ministerial experience. Yet by the time he left Downing Street in 2007, he had led Britain into 5 wars. Although …
Seek and Ye Shall Fund
“I started out with nothing. But after 15 years of working all hours and little sleep, I still have most of it left!” That was the rather sad comment made to me by a man who ran his own small business for years, but wonders whether it was worth the effort. The UK economy depends on small business, but too many are …
Magazine Features Lord John Taylor of Warwick & Lady Laura Taylor of Warwick
1961 Magazine sat down with Lord Taylor for an honest conversation about politics and Lord Taylor’s journey to becoming an influential member of the House of Lords. Read it here!
Lord Taylor Plays Title Role of Hamlet at The Rose Playhouse
Lord Taylor also enjoys dedicating a portion of his time to pursuing culture and the arts. He played the title role of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark at The Rose Playhouse. All the proceeds of the production went to restore the historic Elizabethan theatre, where some of William Shakespeare’s plays were originally performed.
Someone once said, “Greed is good”. That was the dreadfully misguided mantra of Gordon Gekko. He was the mercenary financial trader, a character played by Michael Douglas in the Oscar-winning Hollywood film “Wall Street” in 1988. The film ended with Gekko in ruins when his greed backfired, but Oliver Stone, the film’s director, was dismayed to see that Gekko became …
Higher Education Bill
My Lords, it was Benjamin Franklin who said: “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest”. A teacher at my Birmingham grammar school helped me to see that a university education might, in the long term, be better for me than playing soccer for Aston Villa. I am not sure that Villa would have gained much from my services …
Supreme Court
My Lords, in 1972 the popular Jamaican singer Johnny Nash had a hit record with a song called, “There Are More Questions Than Answers”. I am not aware that, when he wrote the song, he had in mind the creation of a supreme court and a judicial appointments commission. But the song’s title fairly sums up how I feel about …
Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) Bill
There have been a number of references to black defendants during our debate. I do not put myself forward as an expert witness on the issue simply because I have a black skin, but I have represented a number of black clients in the criminal courts over the years. What I have found is that, rather than seeking an O. …